BO Motors
L293D | Servo |
Servo 2 Pin | Control Pin |
Ultrasonic Sensor
Arduino Uno | Ultrasonic Sensor |
A0 | Trigger Pin |
A1 | Echo Pin |
VCC | 5V |
Right IR Sensor
Arduino Uno | IR Sensor |
A2 | OUT |
VCC | 5V |
Left IR Sensor
Arduino Uno | IR Sensor |
A3 | OUT |
VCC | 5V |
HM-10 BLE Module
Arduino Uno | BLE Module |
TX | RX(0) |
RX | TX(1) |
VCC | 5V |
- First assemble the chassis of the car. Screw all parts together. Solder wires to the BO motor terminals. (Follow the same colour coding for each terminal to avoid confusion later).
- Assemble the motors in the direction as shown in the photo.
- Solder the header pins for 5v, GND , and analog pin on L293D (also a wire to the rx (0) pin for bluetooth).Then mount the L293D motor shield on top of arduino and place it on the car chassis using tape
- Connect the terminals of the BO motor to the motor shield (M1 , M2 , M3 , M4) and remember to which terminal has each motor been connected
- Mount the servo to the front of the car and connect it to the designated pin of the motor shield
- Place the ultrasonic sensor inside its holder and screw the holder on the servo bar
- Stick to IR sensors on the front left and right side such that the bulbs are facing downwards and are close to the floor
- Connect the IR sensors to the motor shield
- Connect the Bluetooth module to the shield (remember to disconnect its power while uploading the code)
- Take 2 3.7v lithium ion batteries in a holder and connect it to the Motor shield
NOTE: Remember to remove the yellow coloured jumper when ever connecting the arduino with the laptop. The jumper provides power to arduino from the shield it self hence it should be there only when the arduino is disconnected. The jumpper can act as a switch too if the battery holder does not have one.