The Tech Stack
There are multiple tech stacks and implementation options that can be used to build and deploy the solution. In this version of the implementation, we will be leveraging cloud services from Amazon Web Services (AWS) wherever possible.
The Tech Stack (including hardware and software) is summarized in the table below. The details for each component are covered in subsequent sections.
Component | Type | Product / Service |
Sensors | Hardware | Load Cell (Weight) Temperature Humidity IR Motion Camera (for ANPR) |
Relays/Actuators | Hardware | Not used in this implementation. |
Microcontrollers and Modules | Hardware | Arduino Nano ESP8266 MCU LoRa Module ESP32 Cam Module |
Microcontroller Programs | Software | Arduino C Python Node-RED |
MQTT Broker | Platform as a Service | AWS IoT Core |
API Gateway | Platform as a Service | AWS API Gateway |
Microservices | Platform as a Service | AWS Lambda Node.js Python |
NoSQL Database | Software as a Service | AWS DynamoDB |
AI/ML Algorithms | Software as a Service | AWS Rekognition |
Blockchain TestNet | Platform as a Service | Sepolia |
Web3 Provider | Browser Extension | Metamask |
Smart Contracts | Software | Solidity |
Web/Mobile App | Software | React.js Material UI web3.js |
Note: Several components need data related to the Blockchain network and Smart Contract. Hence, while it is the component at the end of the process, it would be more efficient to build and deploy that first.