Nano Circuit

Arduino Nano Circuit


This circuit will have a collection of sensors that will capture data and send it to the communication circuit for generating alerts or displaying on a dashboard (on the web or on the mobile app).


DHT11/22 SensorTemperature and Humidity sensor3.3VDigital In
HCSR04Ultrasonic distance sensor3.3VDigital Out (Trigger), Digital In (Echo)
HSR501 SensorMotion sensor3.3VDigital In
IR SensorInfrared sensor3.3VDigital In
MQ-Series SensorGas sensor3.3VAnalog In
KY037Sound sensor3.3VAnalog In
Soil Moisture Sensor and ProbeSoil moisture sensor3.3VAnalog In
MPU6050 3-Axis AccelerometerMeasures motion along 3-axis (Yaw, Roll, Pitch)3.3VI2C
BP280Measure Altitude using barometric pressure3.3VI2C
RelayUsed to switch electrical devices on and off3.3VDigital Out
SX1278 RA-02LoRa communication module3.3VSPI (plus an NSS pin)
I2C LCD 16x2Used to display data5VI2C
BuzzerUsed to make a sound5VDigital Out
LEDUsed as an indicator5VDigital Out (use a resistor to limit the current)
PotentiometerUsed to vary resistance3.3VAnalog In

Circuit Diagram

