
Workers are controllable machines, devices, appliances, vehicles, or any objects that can perform a task, electrical or mechanical. In the context of an IoT solution, workers are the machines that the solution is designed to control.

The term machine is scientifically defined as a mechanical structure that uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an intended action. Usually, the term refers to the six classical simple machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley, Inclined Plane, Wedge, and Screw. The term machine is also more commonly used to mean machines in a factory that perform various tasks.

It is possible to control any number of operating parameters of the machine. The controller may send signals to control continuous parameters, such as making a moving machine go faster or slower, making a source of light brighter or dimmer, and making a source of sound louder or quieter. The controller can also send signals to control discrete parameters, such as simply turning the machine on or off.

Workers can also be mechanical. While their continuous parameters can partially open a gate, or move a robotic arm, discrete parameters can open or close a valve to start or stop the flow of some liquid through pipes.