Data Security

Data Security

With most personal and business transactions happening online, using web apps or mobile apps, the security of these transactions is becoming very important. Vast amounts of transactional and personal identification data are stored on databases all over the world. Someone with malicious intent, breaking into these systems and stealing data or manipulating transactions would result in financial and reputational loss to businesses and individuals.

Therefore, the field of data security, which has already been mature for a while now, is gaining more importance than ever. Any system that users are expected to transact with or share data with must give the users confidence that their transactions and data are completely safe from tampering or misuse.

The possibility of financial gain through intercepting and manipulating data has attracted several entities with malicious intent who have the necessary technical skills to do this. They are broadly referred to as hackers, and the process of manipulating the data is sent between two entities, which is known as hacking.

There are two primary approaches to securing data in storage: Data Encryption and Data Hashing.