
Processors are typical computing servers used in any application, a combination of hardware, application software, and databases. Data received from sensors, directly or via a gateway is stored, aggregated, analysed, and actionable outcomes are defined based on the logic programmed into the processor.

Functions of a Processor

IoT solutions can be within a local network, such as sensors on a machine in a factory, in which case the sensors, gateway, and processors can all be on the same local network. If the IoT solution is across a wide network, with sensors geographically distributed across distances, such as for a smart city, the processor is usually on the cloud. While gateways and processors can be customized entirely based on functionality requirements, several standard gateways and processor solutions can perform fundamental functions, including data aggregation and visualization, which are common to many IoT solutions.

Examples of such processors include ThingSpeak, the AWS IoT Platform, Microsoft Azure IoT Hub, etc. IBM has an excellent tool that builds custom processing logic known as Node-RED. By using Node-RED, you can define actions to be taken based on the data values received.

Since IoT systems are all about data, processors are primarily programmed for data analytics, using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. After receiving and processing high volumes of data over some time, they can determine patterns and take decisions and actions accordingly. The more data and feedback they receive, the more they learn and be able to reduce human intervention.