UI/UX Design

The flexibility and ease of use for web applications come from their ability to work with a universal client, the web browser. To achieve this, a set of standards had to be defined for programming web applications, specifically for the presentation layer or the User Interface (UI). The browser and server must follow these programming standards for the universal client approach to work.

The same is the approach used for mobile apps. Content and form elements must be standardized to allow multiple smartphones with different screen sizes to display the app in a consistent manner.

Given that screen sizes are very different for web applications accessed using a browser on a computer and mobile apps accessed from a smartphone, the biggest challenge for UI/UX design is to accommodate both these screen size while providing the same functionlity and content.

Fortunately, tech stacks provide a programming option using which web pages can be programmed to adjust their layout and element attributes (such as font or image sizes) to match the screen size.

See the screenshots below (of this very page that you are reading), the first on a web browser and the second on a smartphone. You can see for example how the left navigation menu is always visible in the web view while on the mobile view you can see either the menu or the content since the screen size is limited.

Web View

Smartphone View