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ESP32 Programming

ESP32 boards are programmed just like Arduino boards, using the same Arduino IDE and same programming language.

There are some additional steps required though before you can start programming an ESP32 board from the Arduino IDE.

Click on the File -> Preferences menu option. This will open a dialog box as shown below:

Arduino IDE ESP32 Board Install

In the Additional boards manager URLs enter the URL below:


Then go to the Tools->Board->Boards Manager… menu option (or click on the Boards Manager shortcut icon, the second from top in the sidebar menu). This will open a dialog box as shown below:

Arduino IDE ESP32 Boards Manager

Search for ESP32 and install the esp32 by Espressif Systems.

You will now have all the ESP32 board variants available to upload your sketch to. There are many variants, you will need to read the specifications for your boards and select that one.