Hyperlinks Page 1
One of the core and most useful features of HTML is hyperlinking.
This allows you to link documents to each other, creating a web of
related and connected documents for users to read.
<!-- Inside the head tag you include some information about the page. -->
<!-- The title is what shows on your browser tab. -->
<title>Hello World</title>
<!-- Inside the body tags you include the actual page content to be displayed. -->
<h2>Welcome to HTML</h2>
This is an introduction to HTML, the HyperText Markup Language used to create the millions of web pages on the world wide web.</p>
<!-- This is now a hyperlink to another HTML page, make sure the second page exists. -->
<a href='program2_hyperlinks_page2.html'>Click here to read more</a>
<!-- HTML pages are not restricted to text content, you can also adding images and videos -->
<img src='https://picsum.photos/200/300' />