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STM32 is a family of 32-bit microcontroller integrated circuits by STMicroelectronics. They are as inexpensive as the Arduino Nano or the Raspberry Pico but much more powerful. They are a bit complex to get started with so they are not so popular but if you need a better performing circuit you can consider the STM32. STM32 development boards are referred to as the Black Pill or the Blue Pill depending on the PCB color.

Output VoltageOperating VoltageMaximum CurrentWiFiBLEUSB Connector
Type C
Type C

STM32 Specific Steps

The following settings are required to program an STM32 Black Pill with the Arduino IDE:,Link%20compatible%20emulator%20and%20programmer

  • You need to install the STM32CubeProgrammer and add the executable path to the system path.

  • In File > Preferences, add the URL below to Additional Board Manager URLs text box:

  • In Tools > Board > Boards Manager search for STM32 and install STM32 Boards Group

  • Now in Tools > Board > Boards Manager you will see STM32 Boards Group.

  • From that list select Generic STM32F4 Series for the Black Pill model STM32F401CCU6.

  • In Tools > Board Part Number select BlackPill F401CC for the Black Pill model STM32F401CCU6.

  • In Tools > Upload Method select STM32CubeProgrammer (DFU).

  • In Tools > USB Support select CDC (generic ‘Serial’ supersede U(S)ART).

  • In Tools > Port select COM3 (or the port that shows up on connection).

Important Unusual Steps:

  1. The board on the bottom of the IDE will show Generic STM32F4 series on COM3 [not connected]. Ignore the not connected status.
  2. The STM32F411 has a DFU bootloader. Basically, it’s a bootloader built into part of the ROM which can’t be erased. This means that you can put the device into “programming mode” by holding down boot (BOOT0) button while short-pressing reset (NRST) (still holding boot), and finally letting go of boot.
  3. Use the USB-A to USB-C cable. The USB-C to USB-C may not work.
  4. If the code is uploaded but does not run open the STM32CubeProgrammer and do a Full Chip Erase and then upload again.

Now upload the sketch which can be the same as the one written for an Arduino board, except for the pin definitions. */

Detailed Pinout

STM32 Detailed Pinout