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Arithmetic Operators

/* The Rock-Paper-Scissors game. */ // In this program we will introduce arithmetic operators. // START PROGRAM // Operators act on one or more variables to perform some action. // There are multiple types of operators, we will look at two commonly used types: // Arithmetic and Comparison // ARITHMETIC operators: // These are quite straightforward and perform an arithmetic calculation. // Note: When assigning a value to a variable you use the '=' operator // which is known as the assignment operator. let a = 20; let b = 10; let c = 9; let result = a + b; console.log(result); // Addition, will print 30 // Or perform calculations directly in the log statement console.log(a - b); // Subtraction, will print 10 console.log(a * b + c); // Multiplication and Addition, prioritised as BODMAS, will print 209 console.log(a * (b + c)); // Brackets to override BODMAS, will print 380 console.log(a / b); // Division, will print 2 console.log(a % b); // Modulus or Remainder, will print 0 console.log(a % c); // Modulus or Remainder, will print 2 // In the above examples there were two "operands" the operators worked with (a, b, and c). // You can also have operators work on a single operand to change a variable value. console.log(a); // Will print 20, the initial value, we have not changed it so far. // Now start changing the value of a a = a + 1; console.log(a); // Will print 21 // There is an alternative way to do this a += 1; // This is the same as a = a + 1 console.log(a); // Will print 22 a *= 2; // This is the same as a = a * 2 console.log(a); // Will print 44 // Only for increment and decrement there is a third way a++; console.log(a); // Will print 45 a--; console.log(a); // Will print 44 // END PROGRAM // To open the console type ctrl+` and go to the DEBUG CONSOLE tab // Run the program by pressing the F5 key (could be Fn+F5 or just F5 depending on your keyboard configuration) // Select the Node.js compiler if asked and see the display in the console.